Enrollment Strategies for a Changing Demographic Landscape
In 2021, mid-pandemic, I embarked on a transformative journey as the Director of Admissions and Marketing at KIS International School in Bangkok, Thailand. Armed with enthusiasm, a vision for delivering a standout user experience, and a desire to deliver efficiency and innovation, I encountered a team dedicated to their tasks but grappling with the challenges of manual data management. After evaluating the local landscape both on campus and in the greater Bangkok Metropolitan Area, I journeyed to improve our systems, processes and experience. One outcome was the birth of a powerful admissions dashboard that not only streamlined operations but also provided invaluable insights into shifting demographics and evolving applicant needs. I joke that this dashboard is my third born because I am so pleased with the final product, and much like children, it continues to evolve with time.
Revamping Data Management: From Chaos to Clarity
Upon arriving, I encountered a system entrenched in tradition but plagued by inefficiencies. Although the team had been using online software for many years, their meticulousness was overshadowed by the human errors inherent in manual data categorization and archiving. Recognizing the critical need for change, we reevaluated our workflows and embarked on a mission to clean nearly 10 years of miscategorized data. Additionally, upskilling and training were implemented as well as holding countless meetings with our admissions software partners OpenApply to help a dedicated team learn about best practices from schools around the world.
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