If you work in education, you are likely familiar with the preparations required for inspections. And if you work in a country where inspections, grades, and qualifications hold significant value, you can relate even more. During the 2022-2023 school year, Avenor College underwent two inspections: the British School Overseas (BSO) and the local inspection by ARACIP, under the Ministry of Education in Romania. Both inspections were thoroughly prepared and conducted, confirming that Avenor is an exceptional school. The BSO inspectors praised our school by using the word “Outstanding” 18 times, while the Romanian inspection awarded us the highest possible score, labeling us with “Very Good” 24 times.

With these repeated affirmations that our daily efforts are not only valued by us, our students, and parents, but also acknowledged by highly qualified inspectors who have visited numerous schools before ours, we found ourselves contemplating “What’s next?” We closely examined their conclusions and recommendations and wholeheartedly agreed. It is time to extend our impact beyond our school, to share our practices, inspire other schools to embrace courage, and perhaps envision a learning system that nurtures the individual’s growth instead of solely fulfilling predetermined requirements.

While my colleagues have ambitious plans to propagate our highly effective system of real-time campus monitoring, transdisciplinary approaches to learning, and a remarkable career program (which, by the way, led to the third significant evaluation of our school through Career Mark), I couldn’t help but ponder the implications for admissions and advancement.

Choosing a School in a Time of Uncertainty

From what you have read so far, you might assume that admissions is not a challenge in this environment, and you wouldn’t be far from the truth. However, I must admit that it hasn’t been an easy year for admissions. Undoubtedly, inquiries poured in, by the dozens, even the hundreds. Yet, I sensed a shift in how families evaluated enrolling in an international school like ours. On one hand, residual fears from the pandemic regarding financial stability continue to

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